Kill Job Hunt Germs

Posted by in Career Advice

When looking for a job you might feel fully prepared just because your clothes are pressed and your resume is impressive. In the cold winter months though you’ll need a little extra prep to make sure you can keep up the momentum and not get stalled by a sudden illness.

A job search is one of those times where you are forced to be in close contact with a plethora of perfect strangers. It’s a rare social setting where physical contact via a hand shake or a back pat is not only acceptable but encouraged.

Each interaction presents its own germ threat as well as attacks lingering from previous applicants and networkers. You never know who sneezed in their hand and rubbed it inconspicuously underneath the chair in which you are now sitting.

You don’t have to go all germ phobic and start wearing rubber gloves and a surgical mask because that surely won’t leave the impression you want with an interviewer. Instead take a few minutes to pack a quick “Pre-First Aid Kit” to take with you for illness prevention preparation on the job hunt.

Things you should include in the kit:


  • Hand sanitizer – You don’t have to carry the stuff with you and squirt it out as soon as you touch anyone. Just be aware not to touch your face while you’re in your appointment and apply a dab of hand sanitizer after exiting. 
  • Disinfecting Wipes – Use these to wipe down your car and the personal belongings you are toting with you that are toting germs as well like a purse or brief case. Don’t dare to wipe down anything in anyone’s office but feel free to scrub away once you’re out of eyesight. 
  • OJ/Vitamin C Drops –There’s no better way to beat the common cold than a double dose of vitamin c. If orange juice is too acidic, suck on a preventive cough drop between stops to drop off your application. 
  • Mouthwash – Not only will mouthwash freshen your breath, the disinfecting kind will kill any germs that may have made it over the lips and through the gums before infiltrating your immune system. A simple sip off of a travel sized bottle could save you from getting the flu. 
  • Socks – When you’re pounding the pavement you occasionally step in a puddle. Keep your feet dry and your sinuses clear by stashing a spare pair of socks or stockings in your kit. 


 Keep your kit where you can access it easily on the go and you will be less likely to take unwanted infections home with you.

What else would you pack to keep from getting sick while you’re on the go? Let me know in the comments below.


By Heather Fairchild - Heather is a multimedia developer with experience in web, film, photography and animation as well as traditional fine arts like painting and sculpting. In addition to writing for Nexxt, she is co-founder of a design and promotion company. Heather’s spare time consists of making puppets, teaching Sunday School, building Legos and doing science experiments with her children.


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